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Lampo v23.12

· 3 min read
Vincenzo Palazzo

First of all, Merry Christmas!

In my free time, I have been working on a lightning node using LDK, which I've named Lampo (Italian for lightning), for more than 1.5 years.

The initial draft was developed as a toy lightning node to support lnprototest [1] for LDK. During its development, I realized I was nearing the completion of a small, self-contained SDK for building a lightning node with LDK. So, in March, I decided to take a shot at implementing a full node using the Lampo SDK.

I have currently supported the first basic commands listed in the following part of the code [2] (admittedly, it's not ideal, but a help command is on the way), and things seem to be working. I am also close to having integration tests between c-lightning (cln) and Lampo, in addition to including lnprototest protocol tests.

Hoping to attract users and contributors, I am excited to release the first public beta version v23.12 today and begin receiving initial feedback on features most desired by the community. However, I cannot promise that I will implement them all—though patches are certainly welcome, of course.

Small Real Life Example


Currently, Lampo only supports Bitcoin Core as a backend and utilizes a core wallet, so we do not have a separate wallet but derive one from a BIP 39 seed.

When you install Lampo on your machine and run lampod-cli for the first time, the BIP 39 words will be printed in your terminal:

➜  ~ lampod-cli --network-signet
✓ Wallet Generated, please store this words in a safe place/way
waller-keys maple have fitness decide food joy flame coast stereo front grab stumble

Then, each time you restart the node, you will need to input the words using --restore-wallet:

➜  ~ lampod-cli --network-signet --restore-wallet "maple have fitness decide food joy flame coast stereo front grab stumble"

To view your node's information, execute:

➜  ~ lampo-cli --network signet getinfo
"node_id": "039406c61582cc7a1282eda1c59c73fc3fa97cab1057e215136e35d5dd0c98c981",
"peers": 0,
"channels": 0

Now, you can open a new channel with one of our Lampo lightning nodes hosted on Signet:

➜  ~ lampo-cli --network signet connect --node_id 03cdc5ce9df1e05653a1f2db9e29bad1a1c81940315dd16e66216803aac07423aa --addr --port 39736
"port": 39736,
"node_id": "03cdc5ce9df1e05653a1f2db9e29bad1a1c81940315dd16e66216803aac07423aa",
"addr": ""

Then, open a new channel:

lampo-cli --network signet fundchannel --node_id 03cdc5ce9df1e05653a1f2db9e29bad1a1c81940315dd16e66216803aac07423aa \
--addr --port 39736 --amount 10000 --public true

For now, you'll need to monitor the logs for possible errors during the channel opening process, but we are working to streamline this soon.

To check if your channel is ready for use or to explore other channels, you can run:

➜  ~ lampo-cli --network signet channels
"channels": [
"short_channel_id": null,
"peer_id": "026b92e6cc3e0f24b42494672ecf65f3d147b9deb95186bf024da7a7745008ee75",
"peer_alias": null,
"ready": false,
"amount_satoshis": 100000,
"amount_msat": 96634000,
"public": true,
"available_balance_for_send_msat": 99000000,
"available_balance_for_recv_msat": 0

You can make a payment using the keysend or pay command. See the code for more details :) or join our Twitter community [3], where you can ask any questions you may have.




